The playoffs are upon us ,people,and I'm both excited and nervous going into our match up against the Dodgers.I'm still sort of shocked that the Mets took the division this year and I'm having a hard time dealing with the emotion of It all.When your team's more than 5 years removed from a pennant race,you tend to forget how to act ,and playoff etiquette takes a back seat to girly giddiness. I don't have cable T.V. so I've watched most of this years games on my phone/cpu,and I think I'm going to keep It that way.It seemed like every time I went over to someones house to catch a Met game on T.V. ,they'd lose.I certainly don't want want to jinx them In the play offs so maybe I'll catch one game live on the tube but the rest will be from my phone or computer on MLB's Game day pitch-by-pitch feature.One thing I've noticed about this years play offs Is the sheer number of blue that will be taking the field this October. Mets,Dodgers,Cubs,Blue jays,Rangers and Royals all sport one shade of blue or another.The orangy Astros on the other hand seem to fit In nicely with the month of October .

This morning,while waiting for my daughters school bus to arrive,I took some time to doodle a bit.I tend to do this whenever I'm excited about something and can't seem to get It off my mind. As a kid I'd draw pictures of action figures I had just gotten and couldn't wait to get home to on the sides of my dittos work sheets and on the backs of my tests.That's how I felt this morning,like a kid again,anticipating pitch numero uno of the 2015 Postseason!
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