Forgive me my fellow Met fans ,but I just can't bash Bumgarner or the Giants for that matter.They got the best of us and I'm not disappointed because It was at the hands of a pitcher I don't hate.O.K. I'm disappointed we didn't move on to the next round,but I've healed surprisingly well.I caught the game last night with my dad and we both dreaded a Familia ninth ,knowing how shaky he has been recently.We kind of saw It coming.It sucks too because I really like Familia ,and I had to put up with my dad cursing him out and verbally abusing him up until I walked out of the front door shortly after he blew the hold. Familia doesn't convince my dad .I ,on the other hand,love the guy.He can't save them all and let's face It,without him,we wouldn't have played In that Wildcard game.Anybody could have given up those three runs and we were never going to match It.Not with Bumgarner on the mound.He's so fearless out there on the mound.A kind of fearlessness that evokes fear.But he's all business.No frills.Hats off to my Metsies for surprising the league and making It this far with the makeshift squad they had going Into that game.But hats off to the Giants as well.It'll be Basketball season before any of them catch up to Syndergaards fastball ,lol.But seriously,they played a heck of a game.As for Bumgarner?I don't hate the guy.He Is a consummate professional.