I was 13 years old ,sitting In my room ,sorting cards, when I got the phone call ."I GOT THE FUCK FACE!I GOT THE FUCK FACE!" my cousin exclaimed giddily.I'm sure my mom and everybody else in my house ,hell my block, heard the shouting coming out of the receiving end of my telephone. But only I knew what my cousin really meant.I knew he wasn't being self critical.He had just pulled the infamous 1989 Fleer Billy Ripken "Fuck Face" error card. Apparently,someone In the clubhouse thought It'd be pretty funny to inscribe the expletive on the nub of Billy Ripken's baseball bat.I'm not sure If the culprit knew that Ripken would be taking a baseball card pic with the bat or not,but the damage was done.The card made It's way into the hands of a lucky few ,and demand for it was almost unprecedented.
So my question to you -
Where were you when "Fuck Face" happened?Did you or anybody you know pull the card?How did you pull It-single packs,box bust etc. ?